Beyond barriers

There is no real revolution in mobility if it is not truly accessible to everyone. That's why we champion and devise solutions that solve any mobility need, so that even people with disabilities or reduced mobility conditions can take advantage in freedom and autonomy of the opportunities offered by modern e-mobility, starting with charging infrastructure. For increasingly inclusive mobility.
It is precisely the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles that can now also be used to charge electric wheelchairs, thanks to our Wayability device, which is a charging cable that uses the same infrastructure dedicated to electric cars, developed in collaboration with the startup Avanchair.
Users will be able to take advantage of our charging points with a type 3A outlet, dedicated to motorcycles and microcars, or type 2 (in the new version), designed for electric cars, to supply electricity to the electric wheelchair outside the home. For this purpose, it can also book charging points through dedicated apps, such as our Enel X Way App.
And when it comes to designing charging points for electric cars, we cannot fail to take into account drivers and passengers with reduced mobility. For this reason, our infrastructure has been rethought in collaboration with A.N.G.L.A.T. (National Association of Guide Legislation Andicapped Transportation) on the basis of an inclusive design, called Universal Design: parking stalls equipped with an additional maneuvering area signaled on the ground by zebra markings, while the presence of bollards shields the infrastructure from possible impacts.
Although it is our own initiative, we want the Universal Design of stalls to benefit everyone from public administrations to other companies in our industry. That is why the intellectual properties of the designs will be accessible via Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC) license, allowing you to download our guidelines directly on our website.
A sustainable future cannot do without inclusive business models and solutions, as outlined by the United Nations in the 10th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).